The most certain path to developing a great idea is to start by creating an abundance of good ideas. Here are 3 ways that InsightFarm can help you power up your next ideation session:
Practice Focused Divergence:
Ideation with no guardrails can go off track quickly. It helps to have a topic or two, defined by an audience segment, technology parameter, or some other criteria to keep the ideas flowing within a useful scope. We call this focused divergence. The team can then create a large, diverse set of ideas that are focused in a topic area relevant to the business challenge at hand.
Tap Subject Matter Experts:
For each topic of focus, I like to bring in materials and/or subject matter experts to fuel the discussion. A 15-minutes download of expertise will stimulate the team’s thinking and act as a springboard for great ideas to flow. Consider doing this several times during your work to introduce fuel for even more ideas. After each idea flow period, take a break to refuel the body and rest the mind. Then dive back in for more!
Excite the Mind with Exercises:
After receiving subject matter fuel, it’s fun to pivot to an ideation exercise. These are particularly useful to help generate more ideas as the day wears on. I like to structure exercises that are competitive, fun, and accomplished in small groups. The longer the day lasts, the smaller the groups, and the more individual responsibility matters. A little physical activity never hurts, either. Even the simple act of standing and stretching can refresh the body and mind.
Let InsightFarm help you power up your next ideation session!