May 22, 2018 Kelley Styring

How to Spot Your Next Innovation

When observing your consumers, it’s important to see what they do not say.

Often, when a product isn’t quite right, or doesn’t do precisely what they want, consumers will “hack” it. You’ve seen this on YouTube, where people create an origami way to close a chip bag, or a clever way to peel an egg.

Whenever you see something like this, you should say BAM! THAT’S a cue for innovation! In Behavioral Research, this is called a Compensatory Behavior.

Here are two examples I’ve seen recently:

1) Bottles and cans line the top of a public garbage can. They scream “Where’s my recycling bin?” These consumers are sending a message, but is anyone listening?

2) The same thing at the TSA screening line entrance. Bottles on a shelf. Where’s the recycling can?

It’s been my life’s work to discover new avenues for innovation for my clients. Compensatory behavior spotting is my passion, and something I do VERY well.

Want to see what your consumers are telling you without saying a word? Let’s talk.

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