May 1, 2018 Kelley Styring

Three Ways to Get More Insight through Collaboration

Image of old grain silo on farm.

Nothing grows in a silo. Amplify the insight from your research with three collaborative methods from InsightFarm.

Nothing Grows in a Silo

Collaboration is  a key tool to amplify the insight from each project or research program. Here are three ways you can put collaboration to work in your research:

1) Mixed Modes of Learning

Humans see in three dimensions because we look with two eyes. This mixed mode helps us see the whole picture. When doing quantitative research, always look for a strong qualitative overlay. When doing qualitative research, always add digital homework or another layer of learning.

2) Demand Consumers Do Generative Work

Ask consumers to build collages, maps of their thinking, and photo journals of their journeys. Don’t ever allow passive question/answer to reign, when you can find our more. Demand consumer collaboration and get stronger insight.

3) Leverage Dynamic Debriefs to Create Team Point-of-View and Lead Together

It’s often the case that teams don’t agree. Diversity is actually the point of having a team on a project. At the same time, a unified point-of-view on what was heard, what will be shared, and how it will be shared should be established before a team leaves a learning session and returns to the office.

Here’s how to incorporate a dynamic debrief on your next project:  Create small teams to map the learnings, or provide a template for communication. This doesn’t have to be an exhaustive rehash of what was heard, but will have more impact if it is focused on a unified point-of-view on what do next with the learning. It’s a great way to move forward together, without losing valuable individual insights.

Remember, collaboration starts with you!

Want to learn more about how to put mixed modes, generative work or dynamic debriefing to work for you? Contact me and let’s talk!

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